Good Shepherd Kids

At Church of the Good Shepherd we welcome our youngest into the life of our church and seek to introduce them to Jesus, the Good Shepherd, from the earliest age. We believe Jesus when he says we must become like little children and therefore know that children are particularly suited to show us how to live in the Kingdom of God. We seek to welcome our children, encourage their life with God, and protect them from harm. 

Good Shepherd Kids and our Little Lambs Nursery
Each week we welcome our littlest congregants to Good Shepherd and invite them to fully participate. We have formation programming for ages 0-6 at the 9am service and formation for 0-3 at our 11am service. Your child's age by September 1 will determine where they go for the year:

  • Little Lambs nursery for 0-1 year olds. Please drop them off in the nursery atrium after checking them in.

  • Toddler Atrium- If your child is or will be two years old by September 1, 2024, they are welcome to join the Toddler Atrium. Please drop them off in the toddler atrium after checking them in.

  • 9am Service Only: Level 1 Atrium for 3-6 year olds. Please check them in first. Children in this age group will be invited to our Atrium after the Children’s Blessing and will stay until the Passing of the Peace.

For our 11am service, please check in your children at the front of the church for locations and instructions for that service.

All other children are invited to fully participate in our service and they have a prayer table where they can gather during the service to pray, journal, or color in response to God in worship. For more information, please contact Milena Mesfin, our Children's Ministry Coordinator.

Child Safety Policy 
Our children’s safety is paramount to us and we seek to be good shepherds to the most vulnerable. We follow the guidelines for the Diocese of the Mid-Atlantic found here: 

Church of the Good Shepherd Five Steps to Child Safety policy can be found here: